descriptionStandalone version of GROMACS domains module
ownerAlexey Shvetsov
last changeThu, 13 Jan 2022 12:48:43 +0000 (15:48 +0300)
2022-01-13 Anatoly Titov- changed back to how it was, everything was ok master
2022-01-13 Anatoly Titov- changed how domains are registred
2021-12-24 Anatoly Titov- may be gmx namespace is needed
2021-01-26 Anatoly- potentially increased speed of parallel fitting
2021-01-22 Anatoly- added some performance tests
2021-01-22 Anatoly- changed data handle (potentially fastened) analyze...
2020-11-10 Anatoly- added indexFlag
2020-11-09 Anatoly- changed the order in domain.print() so the main group...
2020-11-06 Anatoly- temporary fix to output the main group (labeled C...
2020-10-14 Anatoly- swithced to prefix "++"
2020-10-02 Anatoly- optimised memory storage for domains
2020-10-01 Anatoly- small issues with print out data "lud" to "lu"
2020-09-30 Anatoly- changed requirement to c++17
2020-09-29 Anatoly- in general implemented "new" knowledge of C++
2020-09-15 Anatoly- deleted cout for eps
2020-09-15 Anatoly- fixed a misplaced cout
2 years ago master