(including first priority conference summaries)


  1. Alekhina I.A., D. Marie, J-R. Petit, V.V. Lukin, V.M. Zubkov and S.A. Bulat (2007) Molecular analysis of bacterial diversity in kerosene-based drilling fluid from the deep ice borehole at Vostok, East Antarctica. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 59: 289-99 (PDF)

  1. Bulat S., G. Leitchenkov, V. Lipenkov, V. Lukin and J-R. Petit (2006) Concurrent evidences for hydrothermal activity in the subglacial Lake Vostok, East Antarctica. EGU, General Assembly 2006, Vienna, Austria, 02-07 April 2006. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 8, 07109, 2006, abstract SRef-ID: 1607-7962/gra/EGU06-A-07109
  2. Bulat S., I. Alekhina, J-R. Petit, V. Lipenkov and V. Lukin (2006) Assessment of biogeochemical potential of subglacial Lake Vostok, East Antarctic, in terms of microbial life support. "Russia in Antarctica - 50 years anniversary", St. Petersburg, Russia, 12-14 April 2006, abstract, pp. 54-56 (in Russ)
  3. Bulat S.A. (2006) Deliberations on Microbial Life in Extreme Subglacial Antarctic Lake Environments: Lake Vostok. Int. Conference on Extremophiles, Brest, France, 17-21 September 2006, abstract L6, p. 27-28
  4. Lavire Celine, Philippe Normand, Irina Alekhina, Serguey Bulat, Daniel Prieur, Jean-Louis Birrien, Pascale Fournier, Catherine Hanni and Jean-Robert Petit (2006) Presence of Hydrogenophilus thermoluteolus DNA in accretion ice in the subglacial Lake Vostok, Antarctica, assessed using rrs, cbb and hox. Environmental Microbiology 8: 2106-14 (PDF)

  1. Bulat S., I. Alekhina, J-R. Petit, J.P. Steffensen and D. Dahl-Jensen (2005) Bacteria and archaea under Greenland ice sheet: NGRIP 'red' ice issue. EGU, General Assembly 2005, Vienna, Austria, 24-29 April 2005. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 7, 05298, 2005, abstract SRef-ID: 1607-7962/gra/EGU05-A-05298
  2. Alekhina I.A., J.R. Petit, V.V. Lukin, N.I. Vasiliev, and S.A. Bulat (2005) Estimate for bacterial contents of 5G-1 borehole drilling fluid, Vostok station, Antarctica. Mater. Glyatsiol. Issled. [Data Glaciol. Stud.] 98: 109-17 (PDF)
  3. Petit J.R., I. Alekhina and S. Bulat (2005) Lake Vostok, Antarctica: Exploring a Subglacial Lake and Searching for Life in an Extreme Environment. In: Lectures in Astrobiology, Vol. I, Series: Advances in Astrobiology and Biogeophysics, Gargaud, M.; Barbier, B.; Martin, H.; Reisse, J. (Eds.), Springer, ISBN: 3-540-22315-0, p. 227-288 (PDF)
  4. Priscu, J. C., M.C. Kennicutt II, R.E. Bell, S.A. Bulat, J.C. Ellis-Evans, V.V. Lukin, J-R. Petit, R.D. Powell, M.J. Siegert and I. Tabacco (2005) Exploring Subglacial Antarctic Lake Environments. EOS (Transactions, AGU), v. 86, No. 20, pp 193, 197 (PDF)

  1. Bulat S.A., I.A. Alekhina, V.Ya. Lipenkov and J-R. Petit (2004) Is the subglacial Lake Vostok, East Antarctica, lifeless? A case of forensic biology study of accretion ice. SCAR Open Science Conference 26-28 July 2004, Bremen, Germany, abstract S19/003, p. 407
  2. Bulat, S.A., Alekhina, I.A., Blot, M., Petit, J.-R., de Angelis, M., Wagenbach, D., Lipenkov, V.Ya., Vasilyeva, L.P., Wloch, D.M., Raynaud, D. and V.V. Lukin (2004) DNA signature of thermophilic bacteria from the aged accretion ice of Lake Vostok, Antarctica: implications for searching for life in extreme icy environments. Int J Astrobiology 3(1):1-12 (PDF)
  3. Bulat S.A., I.A. Alekhina, J.R. Petit, D. Marie, V.Ya. Lipenkov and V.V. Lukin (2004) Recent molecular biological studies of Vostok ice core, Antarctica. Mater. Glyatsiol. Issled. [Data Glaciol. Stud.] 97: 89-90 (PDF)

  1. Petit J.R., M. Blot and S. Bulat (2003) Le lac Vostok : a la decouverte d'un environnement sous-glaciaire et de son contenu biologique. In Les Traces du Vivant, edited by M. Gargaud, D. Despois, J-P. Parisot and J. Reisse, Presses Universitaires de Bordeaux, Pessac, pp. 275-317 (in French)
  2. Savatyugin L.M., Verkulich S.R., Masolov V.N., Sheremetiev A.N., Lipenkov V.Ya., Abyzov S.S., Bulat S.A., Barkov N.I. and I.N. Kuzmina (2003) The subglacial Lake Vostok, Antarctica: Results and perspectives of geophysical, glaciological and microbiological investigations. In Arctic and Antarctic, 2 (36), Moscow, Nauka, pp. 63-75 (in Russ) (PDF)
  3. Bulat S.A., L.P. Vasiljeva, V.Ya. Lipenkov and I.A. Alekhina (2003) Molecular-biological investigations of the ice core from Vostok Station. In Arctic and Antarctic, 2 (36), Moscow, Nauka, pp. 100-113 (in Russ) (PDF)
  4. Bulat S.A., Vasiljeva L.P., Petit J-R., Lukin V.V. and I.A. Alekhina (2003) Molecular Biological research of bacterial content of a liquid for drilling from a bore 5G-1, station "Vostok", Antarctica. In Problems of Arctic and Antarctic, vol. 74, HydroMeteoIzdat, Saint-Petersburg, pp. 88-102 (in Russ) (PDF)
  5. Priscu, J.C., R. E. Bell, S.A. Bulat, C. Ellis-Evans, M.C. Kennicutt II, V.V. Lukin, J-R. Petit, R.D. Powell, M. J. Siegert and I. Tabacco (2003) An International Plan for Antarctic Subglacial Lake Exploration. Polar Geography 27 (1):69-83 (PDF)
  6. Planchon FAM, Barbante C, Boutron CF, Bulat S, Cescon P, Cozzi G, Dommergue A, Ferrari CP, Gabrielli P and JR Petit (2003) Trace elements in accreted ice from the Vostok sub-glacial lake, Antarctica: Initial results. J Phys IV France 107:1067-1070 (PDF)

  1. Bulat S.A., I.A. Alekhina, M. Blot, J.-R. Petit, D. Waggenbach, V.Ya. Lipenkov, D. Raynaud and V.V. Lukin (2002) Thermophiles Microbe Signature in Lake Vostok, Antarctica. EOS Trans. AGU, 83 (19) Spring Meet. Suppl., Abstract B21A-09, S88, 2002 <
  2. Lipenkov Vladimir Ya., Vladimir A. Istomin, Sergey A. Bulat, Dominique Raynaud and Jean Robert Petit (2002) An Estimate of the Dissolved Oxygen Concentration in Subglacial Lake Vostok. EOS Trans. AGU, 83 (19) Spring Meet. Suppl., Abstract B21A-06, S87-88, 2002
  3. Bulat S.A., Irina A. Alekhina, V.A. Krylenkov and V.V. Lukin (2002) Molecular Biological studies of Microbiota in subglacial Vostok lake Vostok (the Antarctic) (in Russ). Advances in Current Biology 122 :211-221 (PDF)