# # This file is part of the GROMACS molecular simulation package. # # Copyright (c) 2010,2011,2012,2013,2014,2015,2016,2017,2018,2019, by the GROMACS development team, led by # Mark Abraham, David van der Spoel, Berk Hess, and Erik Lindahl, # and including many others, as listed in the AUTHORS file in the # top-level source directory and at http://www.gromacs.org. # # GROMACS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # GROMACS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with GROMACS; if not, see # http://www.gnu.org/licenses, or write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. # # If you want to redistribute modifications to GROMACS, please # consider that scientific software is very special. Version # control is crucial - bugs must be traceable. We will be happy to # consider code for inclusion in the official distribution, but # derived work must not be called official GROMACS. Details are found # in the README & COPYING files - if they are missing, get the # official version at http://www.gromacs.org. # # To help us fund GROMACS development, we humbly ask that you cite # the research papers on the package. Check out http://www.gromacs.org. set(LIBGROMACS_SOURCES) if (GMX_CLANG_CUDA) include(gmxClangCudaUtils) endif() set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY GMX_LIBGROMACS_SOURCES) set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY GMX_LIBGROMACS_GPU_IMPL_SOURCES) set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY GMX_INSTALLED_HEADERS) set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY GMX_AVX_512_SOURCE) add_library(libgromacs_external OBJECT "") if(CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCXX) # Keep quiet about e.g. linearalgebra module target_compile_options(libgromacs_external PRIVATE ${CXXFLAGS_NO_STRINGOP_TRUNCATION}) endif() add_library(libgromacs_generated OBJECT "") if (BUILD_SHARED_LIBS) set_target_properties(libgromacs_external PROPERTIES POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE true) set_target_properties(libgromacs_generated PROPERTIES POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE true) endif() function (_gmx_add_files_to_property PROPERTY) foreach (_file ${ARGN}) if (IS_ABSOLUTE "${_file}") set_property(GLOBAL APPEND PROPERTY ${PROPERTY} ${_file}) else() set_property(GLOBAL APPEND PROPERTY ${PROPERTY} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/${_file}) endif() endforeach() endfunction () function (gmx_add_libgromacs_sources) _gmx_add_files_to_property(GMX_LIBGROMACS_SOURCES ${ARGN}) endfunction () # TODO Reconsider this, as the CUDA driver API is probably a simpler # approach, at least for the build system. See Redmine #2530 function (gmx_compile_cpp_as_cuda) _gmx_add_files_to_property(GMX_LIBGROMACS_GPU_IMPL_SOURCES ${ARGN}) endfunction () function (gmx_install_headers) if (NOT GMX_BUILD_MDRUN_ONLY) file(RELATIVE_PATH _dest ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/src ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}) install(FILES ${ARGN} DESTINATION "${CMAKE_INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR}/${_dest}" COMPONENT development) endif() _gmx_add_files_to_property(GMX_INSTALLED_HEADERS ${ARGN}) endfunction () function (gmx_write_installed_header_list) get_property(_list GLOBAL PROPERTY GMX_INSTALLED_HEADERS) string(REPLACE ";" "\n" _list "${_list}") # TODO: Make this only update the file timestamp if the contents actually change. file(WRITE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/installed-headers.txt "${_list}") endfunction() add_subdirectory(gmxlib) add_subdirectory(mdlib) add_subdirectory(applied-forces) add_subdirectory(listed-forces) add_subdirectory(commandline) add_subdirectory(domdec) add_subdirectory(ewald) add_subdirectory(fft) add_subdirectory(gpu_utils) add_subdirectory(hardware) add_subdirectory(linearalgebra) add_subdirectory(math) add_subdirectory(mdrun) add_subdirectory(mdrunutility) add_subdirectory(mdtypes) add_subdirectory(onlinehelp) add_subdirectory(options) add_subdirectory(pbcutil) add_subdirectory(random) add_subdirectory(restraint) add_subdirectory(tables) add_subdirectory(taskassignment) add_subdirectory(timing) add_subdirectory(topology) add_subdirectory(trajectory) add_subdirectory(utility) add_subdirectory(fileio) add_subdirectory(swap) add_subdirectory(essentialdynamics) add_subdirectory(pulling) add_subdirectory(awh) add_subdirectory(simd) add_subdirectory(imd) add_subdirectory(compat) add_subdirectory(mimic) if (NOT GMX_BUILD_MDRUN_ONLY) add_subdirectory(gmxana) add_subdirectory(gmxpreprocess) add_subdirectory(correlationfunctions) add_subdirectory(statistics) add_subdirectory(analysisdata) add_subdirectory(selection) add_subdirectory(trajectoryanalysis) add_subdirectory(energyanalysis) add_subdirectory(tools) endif() get_property(PROPERTY_SOURCES GLOBAL PROPERTY GMX_LIBGROMACS_SOURCES) list(APPEND LIBGROMACS_SOURCES ${GMXLIB_SOURCES} ${MDLIB_SOURCES} ${PROPERTY_SOURCES}) # This would be the standard way to include thread_mpi, but # we want libgromacs to link the functions directly #if(GMX_THREAD_MPI) # add_subdirectory(thread_mpi) #endif() #target_link_libraries(gmx ${GMX_EXTRA_LIBRARIES} ${THREAD_MPI_LIB}) tmpi_get_source_list(THREAD_MPI_SOURCES ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/src/external/thread_mpi/src) target_sources(libgromacs_external PRIVATE ${THREAD_MPI_SOURCES}) configure_file(version.h.cmakein version.h) gmx_install_headers( analysisdata.h commandline.h options.h random.h selection.h trajectoryanalysis.h utility.h ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/version.h ) # This code is here instead of utility/CMakeLists.txt, because CMake # custom commands and source file properties can only be set in the directory # that contains the target that uses them. # TODO: Generate a header instead that can be included from baseversion.c. # That probably simplifies things somewhat. set(GENERATED_VERSION_FILE utility/baseversion-gen.cpp) gmx_configure_version_file( utility/baseversion-gen.cpp.cmakein ${GENERATED_VERSION_FILE} REMOTE_HASH EXTRA_VARS GMX_SOURCE_DOI ) list(APPEND LIBGROMACS_SOURCES ${GENERATED_VERSION_FILE} $ $) # Mark some shared GPU implementation files to compile with CUDA if needed if (GMX_USE_CUDA) get_property(LIBGROMACS_GPU_IMPL_SOURCES GLOBAL PROPERTY GMX_LIBGROMACS_GPU_IMPL_SOURCES) set_source_files_properties(${LIBGROMACS_GPU_IMPL_SOURCES} PROPERTIES CUDA_SOURCE_PROPERTY_FORMAT OBJ) endif() # set up CUDA compilation with clang if (GMX_CLANG_CUDA) foreach (_file ${LIBGROMACS_SOURCES}) get_filename_component(_ext ${_file} EXT) get_source_file_property(_cuda_source_format ${_file} CUDA_SOURCE_PROPERTY_FORMAT) if ("${_ext}" STREQUAL ".cu" OR _cuda_source_format) gmx_compile_cuda_file_with_clang(${_file}) endif() endforeach() endif() if (GMX_USE_CUDA) # Work around FindCUDA that prevents using target_link_libraries() # with keywords otherwise... set(CUDA_LIBRARIES PRIVATE ${CUDA_LIBRARIES}) if (NOT GMX_CLANG_CUDA) cuda_add_library(libgromacs ${LIBGROMACS_SOURCES}) else() add_library(libgromacs ${LIBGROMACS_SOURCES}) endif() target_link_libraries(libgromacs PRIVATE ${CUDA_CUFFT_LIBRARIES}) else() add_library(libgromacs ${LIBGROMACS_SOURCES}) endif() if (GMX_USE_OPENCL) option(GMX_EXTERNAL_CLFFT "True if an external clFFT is required to be used" FALSE) mark_as_advanced(GMX_EXTERNAL_CLFFT) # Default to using clFFT found on the system # switch to quiet at the second run. if (DEFINED clFFT_LIBRARY) set (clFFT_FIND_QUIETLY TRUE) endif() find_package(clFFT) if (NOT clFFT_FOUND) if (GMX_EXTERNAL_CLFFT) message(FATAL_ERROR "Did not find required external clFFT library, consider setting clFFT_ROOT_DIR") endif() if(MSVC) message(FATAL_ERROR "An OpenCL build was requested with Visual Studio compiler, but GROMACS requires clFFT, which was not found on your system. GROMACS does bundle clFFT to help with building for OpenCL, but that clFFT has not yet been ported to the more recent versions of that compiler that GROMACS itself requires. Thus for now, OpenCL is not available with MSVC and the internal build of clFFT in GROMACS 2019. Either change compiler, try installing a clFFT package, or use the latest GROMACS 2018 point release.") endif() # Fall back on the internal version set (_clFFT_dir ../external/clFFT/src) add_subdirectory(${_clFFT_dir} clFFT-build) target_sources(libgromacs PRIVATE $ ) target_include_directories(libgromacs SYSTEM PRIVATE ${_clFFT_dir}/include) # Use the magic variable for how to link any library needed for # dlopen, etc. which is -ldl where needed, and empty otherwise # (e.g. Windows, BSD, Mac). target_link_libraries(libgromacs PRIVATE "${CMAKE_DL_LIBS}") else() target_link_libraries(libgromacs PRIVATE clFFT) endif() endif() # Recent versions of gcc and clang give warnings on scanner.cpp, which # is a generated source file. These are awkward to suppress inline, so # we do it in the compilation command (after testing that the compiler # supports the suppressions). Same issue exists for nonbonded kernels # so we supress them for all generated files. include(CheckCXXCompilerFlag) check_cxx_compiler_flag("-Wno-unused -Wno-unused-parameter" HAS_NO_UNUSED) check_cxx_compiler_flag(-Wno-missing-declarations HAS_NO_MISSING_DECL) check_cxx_compiler_flag(-Wno-missing-prototypes HAS_NO_MISSING_PROTO) check_cxx_compiler_flag(/wd4101 HAS_NO_MSVC_UNUSED) if (NOT MSVC) check_cxx_compiler_flag(-wd1419 HAS_DECL_IN_SOURCE) endif() if (HAS_NO_UNUSED) target_compile_options(libgromacs_generated PRIVATE "-Wno-unused;-Wno-unused-parameter") endif() if (HAS_NO_MISSING_DECL) target_compile_options(libgromacs_generated PRIVATE "-Wno-missing-declarations") endif() # TODO The group scheme kernels don't use proper function prototype # declarations, and clang warns about such use, which we suppress # rather than fix. We would prefer to use no suppressions. However # other compilers do not support such a warning suppression for C++ # source files, and issue warnings about that. Remove the use of # -Wno-missing-prototypes here and above when the group scheme is # removed. if (HAS_NO_MISSING_PROTO AND "${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID}" STREQUAL "Clang") target_compile_options(libgromacs_generated PRIVATE "-Wno-missing-prototypes") endif() if (HAS_NO_MSVC_UNUSED) target_compile_options(libgromacs_generated PRIVATE "/wd4101") endif() if (HAS_DECL_IN_SOURCE) target_compile_options(libgromacs_generated PRIVATE "-wd1419") endif() if(SIMD_AVX_512_CXX_SUPPORTED AND NOT ("${GMX_SIMD_ACTIVE}" STREQUAL "AVX_512_KNL")) # Since we might be overriding -march=core-avx2, add a flag so we don't warn for this specific file. # On KNL this can cause illegal instruction because the compiler might use non KNL AVX instructions # with the SIMD_AVX_512_CXX_FLAGS flags. set_source_files_properties(hardware/identifyavx512fmaunits.cpp PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS "${SIMD_AVX_512_CXX_FLAGS} ${CXX_NO_UNUSED_OPTION_WARNING_FLAGS}") endif() gmx_setup_tng_for_libgromacs() target_link_libraries(libgromacs PRIVATE ${EXTRAE_LIBRARIES} ${GMX_EXTRA_LIBRARIES} ${GMX_COMMON_LIBRARIES} ${FFT_LIBRARIES} ${LINEAR_ALGEBRA_LIBRARIES} ${THREAD_LIB} ${GMX_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS} ${OpenCL_LIBRARIES} ${GMX_STDLIB_LIBRARIES} PUBLIC ${GMX_PUBLIC_LIBRARIES} ) set_target_properties(libgromacs PROPERTIES OUTPUT_NAME "gromacs${GMX_LIBS_SUFFIX}" SOVERSION ${LIBRARY_SOVERSION_MAJOR} VERSION ${LIBRARY_VERSION} COMPILE_FLAGS "${OpenMP_C_FLAGS}") gmx_manage_lmfit() target_link_libraries(libgromacs PRIVATE lmfit) if (CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "Clang" AND CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_VERSION MATCHES "^6\.0") target_compile_options(libgromacs PRIVATE $<$:-Weverything ${IGNORED_CLANG_ALL_WARNINGS}>) endif() if (CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID STREQUAL "MSVC") target_compile_options(libgromacs PRIVATE $<$:/analyze /analyze:stacksize 70000 #Control flow warnings are disabled because the commond line output is insufficient. There is no tool #to convert the xml report to e.g. HTML and even in Visual Studio the viewer doesn't work with cmake support. /wd6001 #unitialized memory /wd6011 #derefencing NULL /wd6053 #prior call not zero-terminate /wd6054 #might not be zero-terminated /wd6385 #reading invalid data /wd6386 #buffer overrun /wd6387 #could be '0' /wd28199 #uninitialized memory # For compile time constant (e.g. templates) the following warnings have flase postives /wd6239 #( && ) /wd6240 #( && ) /wd6294 #Ill-defined for-loop /wd6326 #comparison of constant with other constant /wd28020 #expression involving paramter is not true # Misc /wd6330 #incorrect type to function (warns for char (instead of unsigned) for isspace/isalpha/isdigit/..)) /wd6993 #OpenMP ignored #TODO /wd6031 #return value ignored (important - mostly warnigns about sscanf) /wd6244 #hides declaration (known issue - we ingore similar warnings for other compilers) /wd6246 #hides declaration > ) endif() if (GMX_CLANG_TIDY) set_target_properties(libgromacs PROPERTIES CXX_CLANG_TIDY "${CLANG_TIDY_EXE};-warnings-as-errors=*") endif() gmx_write_installed_header_list() # Only install the library in mdrun-only mode if it is actually necessary # for the binary if (NOT GMX_BUILD_MDRUN_ONLY OR BUILD_SHARED_LIBS) install(TARGETS libgromacs EXPORT libgromacs LIBRARY DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR} RUNTIME DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_BINDIR} ARCHIVE DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR} COMPONENT libraries) endif() if (NOT GMX_BUILD_MDRUN_ONLY) include(InstallLibInfo.cmake) endif() # Technically, the user could want to do this for an OpenCL build # using the CUDA runtime, but currently there's no reason to want to # do that. if (INSTALL_CUDART_LIB) #can be set manual by user if (GMX_USE_CUDA) foreach(CUDA_LIB ${CUDA_LIBRARIES}) string(REGEX MATCH "cudart" IS_CUDART ${CUDA_LIB}) if(IS_CUDART) #libcuda should not be installed #install also name-links (linker uses those) file(GLOB CUDA_LIBS ${CUDA_LIB}*) install(FILES ${CUDA_LIBS} DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR} COMPONENT libraries) endif() endforeach() else() message(WARNING "INSTALL_CUDART_LIB only makes sense when configuring for CUDA support") endif() endif() if(GMX_USE_OPENCL) # Install the utility headers file(GLOB OPENCL_INSTALLED_FILES gpu_utils/vectype_ops.clh gpu_utils/device_utils.clh ) install(FILES ${OPENCL_INSTALLED_FILES} DESTINATION ${GMX_INSTALL_OCLDIR}/gromacs/gpu_utils COMPONENT libraries) file(GLOB OPENCL_INSTALLED_FILES pbcutil/ishift.h ) install(FILES ${OPENCL_INSTALLED_FILES} DESTINATION ${GMX_INSTALL_OCLDIR}/gromacs/pbcutil COMPONENT libraries) # Install the NB source and headers file(GLOB OPENCL_INSTALLED_FILES mdlib/nbnxn_consts.h ) install(FILES ${OPENCL_INSTALLED_FILES} DESTINATION ${GMX_INSTALL_OCLDIR}/gromacs/mdlib COMPONENT libraries) file(GLOB OPENCL_INSTALLED_FILES mdlib/nbnxn_ocl/nbnxn_ocl_kernels.cl mdlib/nbnxn_ocl/nbnxn_ocl_kernel.clh mdlib/nbnxn_ocl/nbnxn_ocl_kernel_pruneonly.clh mdlib/nbnxn_ocl/nbnxn_ocl_kernels.clh mdlib/nbnxn_ocl/nbnxn_ocl_kernels_fastgen.clh mdlib/nbnxn_ocl/nbnxn_ocl_kernels_fastgen_add_twincut.clh mdlib/nbnxn_ocl/nbnxn_ocl_kernel_utils.clh mdlib/nbnxn_ocl/nbnxn_ocl_consts.h ) install(FILES ${OPENCL_INSTALLED_FILES} DESTINATION ${GMX_INSTALL_OCLDIR}/gromacs/mdlib/nbnxn_ocl COMPONENT libraries) # Install the PME source and headers file(GLOB OPENCL_INSTALLED_FILES ewald/pme-spread.clh ewald/pme-solve.clh ewald/pme-gather.clh ewald/pme-gpu-utils.clh ewald/pme-program.cl ewald/pme-gpu-types.h ) install(FILES ${OPENCL_INSTALLED_FILES} DESTINATION ${GMX_INSTALL_OCLDIR}/gromacs/ewald COMPONENT libraries) endif()