cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.9.6) # If you are using this repository as a template, you should probably change the # project name and adopt your own versioning scheme. project(sample_restraint VERSION 0.0.7) find_package(PythonInterp) # Check if Python package is being built directly or via add_subdirectory. # I.e. is this being built as a standalone project or as part of the GROMACS # build tree (for testing)? set(GMXAPI_EXTENSION_MASTER_PROJECT OFF) if (CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR STREQUAL CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR) set(GMXAPI_EXTENSION_MASTER_PROJECT ON) endif() # TODO: (Issue #3027) Handle pybind sources both for forked projects and # for GROMACS-project-internal testing. # Projects based on this subtree should bundle pybind11 sources. # The GROMACS project already bundles one copy of pybind sources for the gmxapi # Python package, and should package them with source distribution archives of # the paackage that should be installed with GROMACS, but the pybind sources # would only be available to this project with some additional management by # the parent project CMake configuration. # Also reference if(GMXAPI_EXTENSION_MASTER_PROJECT) # TODO: (Issue #3027) Handle locally available sources. set(GMXAPI_EXTENSION_USE_BUNDLED_PYBIND OFF CACHE BOOL "Use pybind11 headers bundled with this repository. If OFF, CMake does `find_package(pybind11)`.") if(GMXAPI_EXTENSION_USE_BUNDLED_PYBIND) add_subdirectory(external/pybind) else() option(GMXAPI_EXTENSION_DOWNLOAD_PYBIND ON) if(GMXAPI_EXTENSION_DOWNLOAD_PYBIND) configure_file( pybind-download/CMakeLists.txt) execute_process(COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -G "${CMAKE_GENERATOR}" . RESULT_VARIABLE result WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/pybind-download) if(result) message(FATAL_ERROR "CMake step for pybind download failed: ${result}") endif() execute_process(COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} --build . RESULT_VARIABLE result WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/pybind-download) if(result) message(FATAL_ERROR "Build step for pybind failed: ${result}") endif() add_subdirectory(${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/pybind-src) else() find_package(pybind11 2.2 REQUIRED) endif() endif() else() # If configuring as part of the GROMACS project, pybind11 2.2 has already been found. endif() # This project requires a GROMACS supporting gmxapi 0.0.8 or higher. It should # be sufficient to source the GMXRC, but you can also set the GROMACS_DIR or # gmxapi_DIR environment variable to help CMake find the GROMACS installation. # Note that the code will need to be built separately for different versions of Python and for substantially different # versions of GROMACS. If building from the command line, you can specify a Python executable with the PYTHON_EXECUTABLE # variable. For instance, to make sure you are building for your default Python, cmake -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=`which python`. set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 14) set(CMAKE_CXX_VISIBILITY_PRESET hidden) # CMake modules are in a subdirectory to keep this file cleaner list(APPEND CMAKE_MODULE_PATH ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake) # Assuming GROMACS is in our path or that we have set either the gmxapi_DIR or GROMACS_DIR environment variables, # this will find the CMake configuration for the GROMACS libraries we need and define the CMake library objects # Gromacs::gmxapi if(GMXAPI_EXTENSION_MASTER_PROJECT) find_package(gmxapi 0.0.8 REQUIRED CONFIG PATHS "$ENV{GROMACS_DIR}" ) message(STATUS "Found gmxapi version ${gmxapi_VERSION_MAJOR}.${gmxapi_VERSION_MINOR}.${gmxapi_VERSION_PATCH}") endif() if(GMXAPI_EXTENSION_MASTER_PROJECT) ###################################################### # The following is boiler-plate recommended by GROMACS ###################################################### # In principle, this could be deduced from GROMACS_IS_DOUBLE returned by # find_package(GROMACS) based on the suffix alone, but it is clearer that the # user explicitly sets what they want to get, and then need to provide a suffix # to match. option(GMX_DOUBLE "Use double precision" OFF) set(GMX_SUFFIX "" CACHE STRING "Suffix for the GROMACS installation to use (empty for default)") # This does not allow for a non-suffixed double-precision libgromacs, but # that should be rare enough for demonstration purposes. if (GMX_DOUBLE AND NOT GMX_SUFFIX) set(GROMACS_SUFFIX "_d") else() set(GROMACS_SUFFIX ${GMX_SUFFIX}) endif() find_package(GROMACS REQUIRED) gromacs_check_double(GMX_DOUBLE) gromacs_check_compiler(CXX) include_directories(${GROMACS_INCLUDE_DIRS}) add_definitions(${GROMACS_DEFINITIONS}) # Use static linking on MSVC if (CMAKE_GENERATOR MATCHES "Visual Studio") string(REPLACE /MD /MT CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE ${CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE}) set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE ${CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE} CACHE STRING "" FORCE) string(REPLACE /MD /MT CMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG ${CMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG}) set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG ${CMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG} CACHE STRING "" FORCE) endif() # Activate the CTest module for this directory. include(CTest) endif() ######################################################## # Stuff for our plugin: # # If the user is not in a virtual environment and is not a privileged user and has not specified an install location # for the Python module (GMXPLUGIN_INSTALL_PATH), this option causes the automatic install location to query the user # site-packages directory instead of using the default site-packages directory for the interpreter. option(GMXPLUGIN_USER_INSTALL "Override the default site-packages directory with the user-specific Python packages directory. \ (Do not use with virtual environments.) \ Has no effect if GMXPLUGIN_INSTALL_PATH is defined or cached. \ Use -UGMXPLUGIN_INSTALL_PATH to force recalculation." OFF) # Since a user may have multiple virtual environments with different Python interpreters, it is generally confusing to # have a package for a virtual environment installed in the user's default user site-packages directory. If virtual # environments are in use at all, we recommend you do _not_ perform a "user" install in or out of a virtual env. If you do # not use any Python virtual environments, we recommend you _do_ perform "user" installs exclusively. Overall, we # we recommend you use Python virtual environments and activate one before performing a regular (non-"user") install. if (PYTHONINTERP_FOUND) message(STATUS "Found Python interpreter: ${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE}") if (PYTHON_LIBRARIES) if (GMXPLUGIN_USER_INSTALL) execute_process(COMMAND ${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE} "-m" "site" "--user-site" OUTPUT_VARIABLE GMXPLUGIN_DEFAULT_SITE_PACKAGES OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE) message(STATUS "Python user site-packages directory is ${GMXPLUGIN_DEFAULT_SITE_PACKAGES}") else() execute_process(COMMAND ${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE} -c "import sys; import os; \ print(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(sys.prefix, \ 'lib', \ 'python${PYTHON_VERSION_MAJOR}.${PYTHON_VERSION_MINOR}', \ 'site-packages')))" OUTPUT_VARIABLE GMXPLUGIN_DEFAULT_SITE_PACKAGES OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE) message(STATUS "Python site-packages directory is ${GMXPLUGIN_DEFAULT_SITE_PACKAGES}") endif() else() message(FATAL_ERROR "Found Python interpreter ${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE} but this Python installation does not have developer tools." "Set PYTHON_EXECUTABLE to the Python interpreter that was installed with a working Python.h header file.") endif() else() message(FATAL_ERROR "Could not find Python interpreter. Set CMake flag -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=/path/to/python to hint.") endif() # At some point this may be part of a CMake package with several components for which a single CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX does # not make sense, so let's manage the install path separately. set(GMXPLUGIN_INSTALL_PATH ${GMXPLUGIN_DEFAULT_SITE_PACKAGES} CACHE PATH "Path to Python module install location (site-packages). For an automatically determined install location based on \ the Python installation, leave undefined or explicitly undefined with -UGMXPLUGIN_INSTALL_PATH and, optionally, set \ GMXPLUGIN_USER_INSTALL on or off to specify the installation's site-packages directory or the 'user' site-packages \ directory.") message(STATUS "Python module will be installed to GMXPLUGIN_INSTALL_PATH cache value ${GMXPLUGIN_INSTALL_PATH}") # TODO: (Issue #3027) Handle Googletest sources both for forked projects and # for GROMACS-project-internal testing. # Projects based on this subtree should bundle googletest sources. # The GROMACS project already bundles googletest sources for internal use, but # they will only be available to this project with some additional management by # the parent project CMake configuration. option(DOWNLOAD_GOOGLETEST "Download the latest master branch of googletest." OFF) mark_as_advanced(DOWNLOAD_GOOGLETEST) # Prevent overriding the parent project's compiler/linker # settings on Windows set(gtest_force_shared_crt ON CACHE BOOL "" FORCE) # Now move on to building the custom code. add_subdirectory(src) # Set up documentation build targets (work in progress). add_subdirectory(docs) # Process CMake configuration for Python and C++ tests. if(BUILD_TESTING) include(GoogleTest) add_subdirectory(tests) endif()