# Recipe for build and integration testing on Travis-CI # Try beta version of new travis-yml checker version: "= 0" # For extra debugging of failed jobs, see # https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/common-build-problems/#Troubleshooting-Locally-in-a-Docker-Image os: linux dist: xenial language: cpp # If we set 'ccache: true', Travis installs replacement ccache wrappers of system compilers, which we don't want, # so we'll do our own ccache management. # Note the heuristics for whether cache is shared or distinct: # https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/caching/#Caches-and-build-matrices cache: pip: true directories: # Note: if a cache store forks due to a stage with parallel jobs that Travis identifies as part of the same flow, # we must make sure that the parallel jobs do not write to any of the same caches. Also note that all stages use the # same cache, so early stage jobs may see caches from later stages from previous builds in the same branch. - $HOME/.ccache_gromacs - $HOME/.ccache_py # Allows us to build and install GROMACS in one CI stage, then use the installation in a subsequent stage # - $HOME/install compiler: gcc env: # Python 2.7 and 3.6 are the only generations provided by pyenv on Travis-CI out-of-the-box - PY=2.7 - PY=3.6 addons: apt: sources: - sourceline: 'ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test' packages: - cmake - cmake-data - doxygen - libblas-dev - libcr-dev - libfftw3-dev - liblapack-dev - libmpich-dev - libxml2-dev - mpich # Set up for all jobs before_install: - pyenv versions # get exactly one Python version: the last listed patch version for the selected minor version - pyenv whence python${PY} && export PY_VER=`pyenv whence python${PY} | tail -1` - pyenv shell $PY_VER && pyenv shell # - python-config --includes - pyenv prefix ${PY_VER} && export PYTHON_PREFIX=`pyenv prefix ${PY_VER}` - pyenv which python && export PYTHON=`pyenv which python` - source ./ci_scripts/set_compilers install: - export CCACHE_DIR=$HOME/.ccache_gromacs - ccache -s - ./ci_scripts/install_gromacs_2019.sh # Need to update infrastructure for new CMake version requirements to build against devel. # - if [ "${TRAVIS_BRANCH}" != "master" ] ; then ./ci_scripts/install_gromacs_devel.sh ; fi before_script: - export CCACHE_DIR=$HOME/.ccache_py - ccache -s - pip install --upgrade pip setuptools - pip install --upgrade packaging scikit-build - pip install --no-cache-dir --upgrade --no-binary ":all:" --force-reinstall networkx mpi4py MarkupSafe - pip install pytest numpy networkx sphinx sphinx_rtd_theme script: - source $HOME/install/gromacs_2019/bin/GMXRC && ./ci_scripts/pygmx_0_0_7.sh - ./ci_scripts/sample_restraint.sh # Need to update infrastructure for new CMake version requirements to build against devel. # - | # if [ "${TRAVIS_BRANCH}" != master ] ; then # source $HOME/install/gromacs_devel/bin/GMXRC # ./ci_scripts/pygmx_devel.sh # ./ci_scripts/sample_restraint.sh # fi