# The script is currently a bit too eager share/template/template.cpp: error: source file documentation appears outside full documentation # The parser in the script is not clever enough src/gromacs/version.h: warning: includes local file as # These are OK src/gromacs/math/vec.h: warning: installed header includes non-installed "config.h" src/gromacs/linearalgebra/eigensolver.c: warning: should include "config.h" src/gromacs/linearalgebra/gmx_arpack.c: warning: should include "config.h" src/gromacs/linearalgebra/gmx_blas/*: warning: does not include "gmxpre.h" first src/gromacs/linearalgebra/gmx_blas/*: warning: should include "config.h" src/gromacs/linearalgebra/gmx_lapack/*: warning: does not include "gmxpre.h" first src/gromacs/linearalgebra/gmx_lapack/*: warning: should include "config.h" src/gromacs/utility/baseversion-gen.c: warning: does not include "gmxpre.h" first # There's no decision yet on how to name and organize modules of functionality # specific to mdrun : error: no matching directory for module: module_mdrun # This module name doesn't really fall into any currently used pattern; needs some thought : error: no matching directory for module: module_mdrun_integration_tests # These would be nice to fix, but can wait for later src/gromacs/gmxlib/nonbonded/nb_kernel_*/*: warning: included file "gromacs/simd/math_x86_*.h" is not documented as exposed outside its module src/gromacs/gmxlib/nonbonded/nb_kernel_*/*: warning: includes "config.h" unnecessarily src/gromacs/mdlib/nbnxn_kernels/nbnxn_kernel_gpu_ref.c: warning: includes "config.h" unnecessarily src/gromacs/mdlib/nbnxn_kernels/nbnxn_kernel_ref.c: warning: includes "config.h" unnecessarily src/gromacs/mdlib/nbnxn_kernels/simd_2xnn/nbnxn_kernel_simd_2xnn.c: warning: includes "config.h" unnecessarily src/gromacs/mdlib/nbnxn_kernels/simd_2xnn/nbnxn_kernel_simd_2xnn_common.h: warning: should include "config.h" src/gromacs/mdlib/nbnxn_kernels/simd_4xn/nbnxn_kernel_simd_4xn.c: warning: includes "config.h" unnecessarily # These are specific to Folding@Home, and easiest to suppress here *: warning: includes non-local file as "corewrap.h" src/gmxpre.h: warning: includes non-local file as "swindirect.h"