PROJECT_NAME = @CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME@ @INCLUDE = Doxyfile-version LAYOUT_FILE = @CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR@/DoxygenLayout.xml INPUT = @CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR@ \ @CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR@/src \ @CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR@/api/legacy/include \ @CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR@/share/template FILE_PATTERNS = *.c *.cpp *.h *.md # CUDA files could be included like this, but currently produce a lot of # warnings. # FILE_PATTERNS += *.cu *.cuh EXAMPLE_PATH = @CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR@ RECURSIVE = YES EXCLUDE = @CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR@/src/external \ @CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR@/src/gromacs/linearalgebra/gmx_blas \ @CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR@/src/gromacs/linearalgebra/gmx_lapack \ @CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR@/src/gromacs/selection/parser.cpp \ @CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR@/src/gromacs/selection/parser.h \ @CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR@/src/gromacs/selection/scanner.cpp \ @CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR@/src/api EXCLUDE_PATTERNS = @CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR@/src/gromacs/simd/impl_x86* \ @CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR@/src/gromacs/simd/impl_intel* \ @CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR@/src/gromacs/simd/impl_ibm* \ @CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR@/src/gromacs/simd/impl_arm* \ @CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR@/src/gromacs/simd/impl_sparc* \ @CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR@/src/gromacs/simd/impl_none EXCLUDE_SYMBOLS = YY* yy* _gmx_sel_yy* EXCLUDE_SYMBOLS += __STDC* EXCLUDE_SYMBOLS += TEST TEST_F TEST_P TYPED_TEST_SUITE TYPED_TEST INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P EXCLUDE_SYMBOLS += MOCK_METHOD* MOCK_CONST_METHOD* FULL_PATH_NAMES = YES STRIP_FROM_PATH = @CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR@ STRIP_FROM_INC_PATH = @CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR@/src \ @CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR@/src/include \ @CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR@/src/gromacs/*/include \ @CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR@/api/legacy/include INCLUDE_PATH = @CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR@/src HAVE_DOT = @DOXYGEN_DOT_FOUND@ DOT_PATH = @DOXYGEN_DOT_PATH@ MSCGEN_PATH = @DOXYGEN_MSCGEN_PATH@ DOTFILE_DIRS = @DEPGRAPH_DIR@ @DOXYGEN_EXTRA_SETTINGS@ ENABLED_SECTIONS = @DOXYGEN_SECTIONS@ MACRO_EXPANSION = YES # Extract documentation also for code in headers within #ifdef __cplusplus PREDEFINED = __cplusplus # This is for cases where \cond does not work, so that #ifndef can also be used. # thread_mpi also uses this, but it is now excluded from the documentation. PREDEFINED += DOXYGEN # This makes 'static gmx_inline' functions appear better in the documentation. PREDEFINED += gmx_inline=inline # This is for parser.cpp to make it produce code that Doxygen understands # and that does not have unnecessary function declarations. PREDEFINED += __STDC__ YYMALLOC=malloc YYFREE=free EXTRA_PACKAGES += amssymb JAVADOC_AUTOBRIEF = YES BUILTIN_STL_SUPPORT = YES INLINE_INHERITED_MEMB = YES SORT_BY_SCOPE_NAME = YES ALPHABETICAL_INDEX = YES HTML_DYNAMIC_SECTIONS = YES GENERATE_LATEX = NO # Setting this to NO has a side effect to hide undocumented headers from the # file list, which makes it generally look nicer. VERBATIM_HEADERS = NO STRIP_CODE_COMMENTS = NO EXTRACT_LOCAL_CLASSES = NO # This includes 'static inline' functions from headers in the documentation. EXTRACT_STATIC = YES ALIASES += Gromacs=GROMACS ALIASES += linktodevmanual{2}="\2" ALIASES += linktodevmanual{3}="\3" DOT_IMAGE_FORMAT = svg DOT_MULTI_TARGETS = YES # According to Doxygen docs, this is required for svg support on IE HTML_FILE_EXTENSION = .xhtml OUTPUT_DIRECTORY = @HTML_OUTPUT_DIR@/doxygen