# The gmx_detect_gpu() macro aims to detect GPUs available in the build machine # and provide the number, names, and compute-capabilities of these devices. # # The current version is limited to checking the availability of NVIDIA GPUs # without compute-capability information. # # The current detection relies on the following checks in the order of listing: # - output of nvidia-smi (if available); # - presence and content of of /proc/driver/nvidia/gpus/*/information (Linux) # - output of lspci (Linux) # # If any of the checks succeeds in finding devices, consecutive checks will not # be carried out. Additionally, when lspci is used and a device with unknown # PCI ID is encountered, lspci tries to check the online PCI ID database. If # this is not possible or the device is simply not recognized, no device names # will be available. # # The following advanced variables are defined: # - GMX_DETECT_GPU_AVAILABLE - TRUE if any GPUs were detected, otherwise FALSE # - GMX_DETECT_GPU_COUNT - # of GPUs detected # - GMX_DETECT_GPU_INFO - list of information strings of the detected GPUs # # NOTE: The proper solution is to detect hardware compatible with the native # GPU acceleration. However, this requires checking the compute capability # of the device which is not possible with the current checks and requires # interfacing with the CUDA driver API. # # check whether the number of GPUs machetes the number of elements in the GPU info list macro(check_num_gpu_info NGPU GPU_INFO) list(LENGTH ${GPU_INFO} _len) if (NOT NGPU EQUAL _len) list(APPEND ${GMX_DETECT_GPU_INFO} "NOTE: information about some GPU(s) missing!") endif() endmacro() macro(gmx_detect_gpu) if (NOT DEFINED GMX_DETECT_GPU_COUNT OR NOT DEFINED GMX_DETECT_GPU_INFO) set(GMX_DETECT_GPU_COUNT 0) set(GMX_DETECT_GPU_INFO "") message(STATUS "Looking for NVIDIA GPUs present in the system") # nvidia-smi-based detection. # Requires the nvidia-smi tool to be installed and available in the path # or in one of the default search locations if (NOT DEFINED GMX_DETECT_GPU_COUNT_NVIDIA_SMI) # try to find the nvidia-smi binary # TODO add location hints find_program(_nvidia_smi "nvidia-smi") if (_nvidia_smi) set(GMX_DETECT_GPU_COUNT_NVIDIA_SMI 0) # execute nvidia-smi -L to get a short list of GPUs available exec_program(${_nvidia_smi_path} ARGS -L OUTPUT_VARIABLE _nvidia_smi_out RETURN_VALUE _nvidia_smi_ret) # process the stdout of nvidia-smi if (_nvidia_smi_ret EQUAL 0) # convert string with newlines to list of strings string(REGEX REPLACE "\n" ";" _nvidia_smi_out "${_nvidia_smi_out}") foreach(_line ${_nvidia_smi_out}) if (_line MATCHES "^GPU [0-9]+:") math(EXPR GMX_DETECT_GPU_COUNT_NVIDIA_SMI "${GMX_DETECT_GPU_COUNT_NVIDIA_SMI}+1") # the UUID is not very useful for the user, remove it string(REGEX REPLACE " \\(UUID:.*\\)" "" _gpu_info "${_line}") if (NOT _gpu_info STREQUAL "") list(APPEND GMX_DETECT_GPU_INFO "${_gpu_info}") endif() endif() endforeach() check_num_gpu_info(${GMX_DETECT_GPU_COUNT_NVIDIA_SMI} GMX_DETECT_GPU_INFO) set(GMX_DETECT_GPU_COUNT ${GMX_DETECT_GPU_COUNT_NVIDIA_SMI}) endif() endif() unset(_nvidia_smi CACHE) unset(_nvidia_smi_ret) unset(_nvidia_smi_out) unset(_gpu_name) unset(_line) endif() if (UNIX AND NOT (APPLE OR CYGWIN)) # /proc/driver/nvidia/gpus/*/information-based detection. # Requires the NVDIA closed source driver to be installed and loaded if (NOT DEFINED GMX_DETECT_GPU_COUNT_PROC AND GMX_DETECT_GPU_COUNT EQUAL 0) set(GMX_DETECT_GPU_COUNT_PROC 0) file(GLOB _proc_nv_gpu_info "/proc/driver/nvidia/gpus/*/information") foreach (_file ${_proc_nv_gpu_info}) math(EXPR GMX_DETECT_GPU_COUNT_PROC "${GMX_DETECT_GPU_COUNT_PROC}+1") # assemble information strings similar to the nvidia-smi output # GPU ID = directory name on /proc/driver/nvidia/gpus/ string(REGEX REPLACE "/proc/driver/nvidia/gpus.*([0-9]+).*information" "\\1" _gpu_id ${_file}) # GPU name file(STRINGS ${_file} _gpu_name LIMIT_COUNT 1 REGEX "^Model:.*" NO_HEX_CONVERSION) string(REGEX REPLACE "^Model:[ \t]*(.*)" "\\1" _gpu_name "${_gpu_name}") if (NOT _gpu_id STREQUAL "" AND NOT _gpu_name STREQUAL "") list(APPEND GMX_DETECT_GPU_INFO "GPU ${_gpu_id}: ${_gpu_name}") endif() endforeach() check_num_gpu_info(${GMX_DETECT_GPU_COUNT_PROC} GMX_DETECT_GPU_INFO) set(GMX_DETECT_GPU_COUNT ${GMX_DETECT_GPU_COUNT_PROC}) unset(_proc_nv_gpu_info) unset(_gpu_name) unset(_gpu_id) unset(_file) endif() # lspci-based detection (does not provide GPU information). # Requires lspci and for GPU names to be fetched from the central # PCI ID db if not available locally. if (NOT DEFINED GMX_DETECT_GPU_COUNT_LSPCI AND GMX_DETECT_GPU_COUNT EQUAL 0) set(GMX_DETECT_GPU_COUNT_LSPCI 0) exec_program(lspci ARGS -q OUTPUT_VARIABLE _lspci_out RETURN_VALUE _lspci_ret) # prehaps -q is not supported, try running without if (NOT RETURN_VALUE EQUAL 0) exec_program(lspci OUTPUT_VARIABLE _lspci_out RETURN_VALUE _lspci_ret) endif() if (_lspci_ret EQUAL 0) # convert string with newlines to list of strings STRING(REGEX REPLACE ";" "\\\\;" _lspci_out "${_lspci_out}") string(REGEX REPLACE "\n" ";" _lspci_out "${_lspci_out}") foreach(_line ${_lspci_out}) string(TOUPPER "${_line}" _line_upper) if (_line_upper MATCHES ".*VGA.*NVIDIA.*" OR _line_upper MATCHES ".*3D.*NVIDIA.*") math(EXPR GMX_DETECT_GPU_COUNT_LSPCI "${GMX_DETECT_GPU_COUNT_LSPCI}+1") # Try to parse out the device name which should be # included in the lspci -q output between []-s string(REGEX REPLACE ".*\\[(.*)\\].*" "\\1" _gpu_name "${_line}") if (NOT _gpu_name EQUAL "") list(APPEND GMX_DETECT_GPU_INFO "${_gpu_name}") endif() endif() endforeach() check_num_gpu_info(${GMX_DETECT_GPU_COUNT_LSPCI} GMX_DETECT_GPU_INFO) set(GMX_DETECT_GPU_COUNT ${GMX_DETECT_GPU_COUNT_LSPCI}) endif() unset(_lspci_ret) unset(_lspci_out) unset(_gpu_name) unset(_line) unset(_line_upper) endif() endif() if (GMX_DETECT_GPU_COUNT GREATER 0) set(GMX_DETECT_GPU_AVAILABLE YES) else() set(GMX_DETECT_GPU_AVAILABLE NO) endif() set(GMX_DETECT_GPU_AVAILABLE ${GMX_DETECT_GPU_AVAILABLE} CACHE BOOL "Whether any NVIDIA GPU was detected" FORCE) set(GMX_DETECT_GPU_COUNT ${GMX_DETECT_GPU_COUNT} CACHE STRING "Number of NVIDIA GPUs detected") set(GMX_DETECT_GPU_INFO ${GMX_DETECT_GPU_INFO} CACHE STRING "basic information on the detected NVIDIA GPUs") set(GMX_DETECT_GPU_COUNT_NVIDIA_SMI ${GMX_DETECT_GPU_COUNT_NVIDIA_SMI} CACHE INTERNAL "Number of NVIDIA GPUs detected using nvidia-smi") set(GMX_DETECT_GPU_COUNT_PROC ${GMX_DETECT_GPU_COUNT_PROC} CACHE INTERNAL "Number of NVIDIA GPUs detected in /proc/driver/nvidia/gpus") set(GMX_DETECT_GPU_COUNT_LSPCI ${GMX_DETECT_GPU_COUNT_LSPCI} CACHE INTERNAL "Number of NVIDIA GPUs detected using lspci") mark_as_advanced(GMX_DETECT_GPU_AVAILABLE GMX_DETECT_GPU_COUNT GMX_DETECT_GPU_INFO) if (GMX_DETECT_GPU_AVAILABLE) message(STATUS "Number of NVIDIA GPUs detected: ${GMX_DETECT_GPU_COUNT} ") else() message(STATUS "Could not detect NVIDIA GPUs") endif() endif (NOT DEFINED GMX_DETECT_GPU_COUNT OR NOT DEFINED GMX_DETECT_GPU_INFO) endmacro(gmx_detect_gpu)