# Build documentation and web page. .docs:configure: # Built by admin/dockerfiles/ci-docs-clang # TODO this should be organized more like the current documentation.py script image: gromacs/ci-docs-clang:master stage: configure-build extends: - .gromacs:base:configure - .variables:default - .before_script:default only: refs: - web - pushes - schedules - merge_requests variables: KUBERNETES_CPU_LIMIT: 1 KUBERNETES_CPU_REQUEST: 1 KUBERNETES_MEMORY_LIMIT: 2Gi CMAKE_COMPILER_SCRIPT: "-DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=clang-7 -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=clang++-7" CMAKE_EXTRA_OPTIONS: "" CMAKE_SIMD_OPTIONS: "-DGMX_SIMD=None" CMAKE_MPI_OPTIONS: "-DGMX_THREAD_MPI=OFF" CMAKE_PRECISION_OPTIONS: "-DGMX_DOUBLE=OFF" CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE_OPTIONS: "-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug" CMAKE_GPU_OPTIONS: "-DGMX_GPU=OFF" script: - if [[ ! -z $GROMACS_RELEASE && $GROMACS_RELEASE == "true" ]] ; then REL_OPTION="-DGMX_BUILD_TARBALL=ON" ; else REL_OPTION="-DGMX_BUILD_TARBALL=OFF" ; fi - echo $CMAKE_COMPILER_SCRIPT - echo $CMAKE_EXTRA_OPTIONS - echo $CMAKE_SIMD_OPTIONS - echo $CMAKE_GPU_OPTIONS - echo $CMAKE_MPI_OPTIONS - echo $CMAKE_PRECISION_OPTIONS - echo $CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE_OPTIONS - echo $CMAKE_GMXAPI_OPTIONS - echo $REL_OPTION - if [[ -d $BUILD_DIR ]] ; then rm -rf $BUILD_DIR && mkdir $BUILD_DIR ; else echo "Preparing new build directory" ; mkdir $BUILD_DIR ; fi - cd $BUILD_DIR - cmake .. -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER_LAUNCHER=ccache -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_LAUNCHER=ccache $CMAKE_COMPILER_SCRIPT $CMAKE_EXTRA_OPTIONS $CMAKE_SIMD_OPTIONS $CMAKE_MPI_OPTIONS $CMAKE_PRECISION_OPTIONS $CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE_OPTIONS $CMAKE_GPU_OPTIONS $CMAKE_GMXAPI_OPTIONS $REL_OPTION -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../$INSTALL_DIR -DGMX_COMPILER_WARNINGS=ON 2>&1 | tee cmakeLog.log - awk '/CMake Warning/,/^--|^$/' cmakeLog.log | tee cmakeErrors.log - if [ -s cmakeErrors.log ] ; then echo "Found CMake warning while processing build"; cat cmakeErrors.log ; exit 1; fi - cd .. artifacts: name: docs-artifacts-$CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG when: always expire_in: 1 week paths: - $BUILD_DIR .docs:configure:release: # Built by admin/dockerfiles/ci-docs-clang # TODO this should be organized more like the current documentation.py script image: gromacs/ci-docs-clang:master stage: release-configure extends: - .gromacs:base:configure - .variables:default - .before_script:default cache: {} variables: KUBERNETES_CPU_LIMIT: 1 KUBERNETES_CPU_REQUEST: 1 KUBERNETES_MEMORY_LIMIT: 2Gi CMAKE_COMPILER_SCRIPT: "-DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=clang-7 -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=clang++-7" CMAKE_EXTRA_OPTIONS: "" CMAKE_SIMD_OPTIONS: "-DGMX_SIMD=None" CMAKE_MPI_OPTIONS: "-DGMX_THREAD_MPI=ON" CMAKE_PRECISION_OPTIONS: "-DGMX_DOUBLE=OFF" CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE_OPTIONS: "-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug" CMAKE_GPU_OPTIONS: "-DGMX_GPU=OFF" RELEASE_BUILD_DIR: release-doc-builds RELEASE_SOURCE: release-source-from-tarball RELEASE_REGRESSIONTESTS: release-regressiontests-from-tarball only: refs: - web - schedules - triggers variables: - $GROMACS_RELEASE script: - if [[ $GROMACS_RELEASE == "true" ]] ; then REL_OPTION="-DGMX_BUILD_TARBALL=ON" ; else REL_OPTION="-DGMX_BUILD_TARBALL=OFF" ; fi - echo $CMAKE_COMPILER_SCRIPT - echo $CMAKE_EXTRA_OPTIONS - echo $CMAKE_SIMD_OPTIONS - echo $CMAKE_GPU_OPTIONS - echo $CMAKE_MPI_OPTIONS - echo $CMAKE_PRECISION_OPTIONS - echo $CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE_OPTIONS - echo $CMAKE_GMXAPI_OPTIONS - echo $REL_OPTION - VERSION=`cat version.json | python3 -c "import json,sys; print(json.load(sys.stdin)['version'])"` - if [[ $GROMACS_RELEASE != "true" ]] ; then VERSION=$VERSION-dev ; fi - REGTEST_COMPARE=`cat version.json | python3 -c "import json,sys; print(json.load(sys.stdin)['regressiontest-md5sum'])"` - SOURCENAME=gromacs-$VERSION - SOURCETARBALL=$SOURCENAME.tar.gz - REGTESTNAME=regressiontests-$VERSION - REGTESTTARBALL=$REGTESTNAME.tar.gz - SOURCE_MD5SUM=`md5sum $SOURCETARBALL | awk '{print $1}'` - RELEASE_TARBALLS=release-tarballs - rm -rf $RELEASE_TARBALLS $RELEASE_SOURCE $RELEASE_REGRESSIONTESTS && mkdir $RELEASE_TARBALLS - mv $SOURCETARBALL $RELEASE_TARBALLS - mv $REGTESTTARBALL $RELEASE_TARBALLS - cd $RELEASE_TARBALLS # We rename the source and regressiontest directories # to have names for them that don't change for different versions. - tar -xf $SOURCETARBALL - mv $SOURCENAME ../$RELEASE_SOURCE - tar -xf $REGTESTTARBALL - mv $REGTESTNAME ../$RELEASE_REGRESSIONTESTS - rm $SOURCETARBALL $REGTESTTARBALL - cd .. - echo $CMAKE_COMPILER_SCRIPT - echo $CMAKE_EXTRA_OPTIONS - echo $CMAKE_SIMD_OPTIONS - echo $CMAKE_GPU_OPTIONS - echo $CMAKE_MPI_OPTIONS - echo $CMAKE_PRECISION_OPTIONS - echo $CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE_OPTIONS - echo $CMAKE_GMXAPI_OPTIONS - if [[ -d $RELEASE_BUILD_DIR ]] ; then echo "Cleaning up build directory" ; rm -rf $RELEASE_BUILD_DIR && mkdir $RELEASE_BUILD_DIR ; else echo "Preparing new build directory" ; mkdir $RELEASE_BUILD_DIR ; fi - cd $RELEASE_BUILD_DIR - cmake ../$RELEASE_SOURCE/ -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER_LAUNCHER=ccache -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_LAUNCHER=ccache $CMAKE_COMPILER_SCRIPT $CMAKE_EXTRA_OPTIONS $CMAKE_SIMD_OPTIONS $CMAKE_MPI_OPTIONS $CMAKE_PRECISION_OPTIONS $CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE_OPTIONS $CMAKE_GPU_OPTIONS $CMAKE_GMXAPI_OPTIONS $REL_OPTION "-DSOURCE_MD5SUM=$SOURCE_MD5SUM" "-DREGRESSIONTEST_PATH=../$RELEASE_REGRESSIONTESTS" -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../$INSTALL_DIR -DGMX_COMPILER_WARNINGS=ON 2>&1 | tee cmakeLog.log - awk '/CMake Warning/,/^--|^$/' cmakeLog.log | tee cmakeErrors.log - if [ -s cmakeErrors.log ] ; then echo "Found CMake warning while processing build"; cat cmakeErrors.log ; exit 1; fi - cd .. artifacts: name: docs-artifacts-$CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG when: always expire_in: 1 week paths: - $RELEASE_BUILD_DIR - $RELEASE_REGRESSIONTESTS - $RELEASE_SOURCE docs:configure: extends: - .docs:configure needs: - job: simple-build artifacts: false variables: BUILD_DIR: build-docs CMAKE_EXTRA_OPTIONS: -DGMX_BUILD_HELP=on -DGMX_BUILD_MANUAL=on except: variables: - $GROMACS_RELEASE .docs:build: # Built by admin/dockerfiles/ci-docs-clang # TODO this should be organized more like the current documentation.py script image: gromacs/ci-docs-clang:master only: refs: - web - pushes - schedules - merge_requests script: - cd $BUILD_DIR - cmake --build . --target gmx -- -j8 - cd .. artifacts: name: docs-artifacts-$CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG when: always expire_in: 1 week paths: - $BUILD_DIR docs:build: extends: - .gromacs:base:build - .variables:default - .use-ccache - .docs:build - .before_script:default stage: documentation needs: - job: simple-build artifacts: false - job: docs:configure artifacts: true variables: BUILD_DIR: build-docs except: variables: - $GROMACS_RELEASE # The manual build is built separately so that errors in converting # Sphinx to LaTeX and compiling can always be found in the # all-output.txt file, while avoiding many thousands of lines of spam # from pdflatex for normal builds. This does reduce the available # parallel utilization, and so increases the build time. # # TODO why are the doxygen and sphinx log files disappearing # TODO use a feature from gitlab runner instead of using pipefail to get timings for the job .webpage:build: extends: - .gromacs:base:build - .variables:default - .before_script:default # Built by admin/dockerfiles/ci-docs-clang # TODO this should be organized more like the current documentation.py script image: gromacs/ci-docs-clang:master only: refs: - web - pushes - schedules - merge_requests variables: KUBERNETES_CPU_LIMIT: 4 KUBERNETES_CPU_REQUEST: 2 KUBERNETES_MEMORY_LIMIT: 4Gi script: - cd $BUILD_DIR - cmake --build . --target manual -- -j4 | tee docs/manual/all-output.log | grep -i "warning" | grep -v "TeX" | grep -v "Package" || true - cmake --build . --target webpage -- -j4 - grep "WARNING:" docs/manual/all-output.log | tee pythonErrors.log || true - grep -i "error" docs/sphinx-*.log | tee sphinxDiagnostics.log || true - grep -i "warning" docs/sphinx-*.log | tee -a sphinxDiagnostics.log || true - if [ -s pythonErrors.log ] ; then echo "Found Python Errors during build"; exit 1; fi - if [ -s sphinxErrors.log ] ; then echo "Found errors during Sphinx documentation build"; cat sphinxErrors.log; exit 1; fi - if [ -s sphinxDiagnostics.log ] ; then echo "Found diagnostic warnings during Sphinx documentation build"; cat sphinxDiagnostics.log; exit 1; fi - cd .. artifacts: name: docs-artifacts-$CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG when: always expire_in: 1 week paths: - $BUILD_DIR/*.log - $BUILD_DIR/docs/html - $BUILD_DIR/docs/manual/gromacs.log - $BUILD_DIR/docs/manual/all-output.log - $BUILD_DIR/docs/doxygen/doxygen-user.log - $BUILD_DIR/docs/doxygen/doxygen-lib.log - $BUILD_DIR/docs/doxygen/doxygen-full.log - $BUILD_DIR/docs/sphinx-html.log webpage:build: extends: - .webpage:build stage: post-test needs: - job: docs:build artifacts: true - job: check-source artifacts: false variables: BUILD_DIR: build-docs except: variables: - $GROMACS_RELEASE webpage:configure: extends: - .docs:configure:release cache: {} only: refs: - web - schedules - triggers variables: - $GROMACS_RELEASE dependencies: - archive:package - regressiontests:package - prepare-release-version variables: CMAKE_EXTRA_OPTIONS: -DGMX_BUILD_HELP=on -DGMX_BUILD_MANUAL=on webpage:dependencies: extends: - .gromacs:base:build - .variables:default - .use-ccache - .docs:build - .before_script:default stage: release-build needs: - job: webpage:configure artifacts: true variables: BUILD_DIR: release-doc-builds only: refs: - triggers - web - schedules variables: - $GROMACS_RELEASE webpage:build:release: extends: - .webpage:build dependencies: - webpage:dependencies - webpage:configure stage: release-prepare-deploy only: refs: - web - schedules - triggers variables: - $GROMACS_RELEASE variables: BUILD_DIR: release-doc-builds