Welcome to GROMACS-GPU! Note: Detailed, step-by-step installation instructions as well as additional information are available on the website http://www.gromacs.org/gpu * INSTALLING FROM BINARY DISTRIBUTION: 0. Prerequisites: - OpenMM (included in the binary release) - NVIDIA CUDA libraries (version >=3.1); - NVIDIA driver (for details on compatiblity consult http://www.nvidia.com/Download/index5.aspx); - NVIDIA CUDA-enabled GPU (for compatiblity list see http://www.gromacs.org/gpu). 1. Download and unpack the binary package for the respective OS and architecture. Copy the content of the package to your normal GROMACS installation directory (or to a custom location). Note that as the distributed Gromacs-GPU packages do not contain the entire set of tools and utilities included in a full GROMACS installation. Therefore, it is recommended to have a ≥v4.5 standard Gromacs installation along the GPU accelerated one. e.g. on unix: tar -xvf gromacs-4.5-GPU.tar.gz cp -R gromacs-4.5-GPU/* PATH_TO_GROMACS_INSTALLATION 2. Add the openmm/lib directory to your library path, e.g. in bash: export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=PATH_TO_GROMACS/openmm/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH If there are other OpenMM versions installed, make sure that the supplied libraries have preference when running mdrun-gpu. Also, make sure that the installed CUDA libraries match the version of CUDA with which GROMACS-GPU has been compiled. 3. Set the OPENMM_PLUGIN_DIR environment variable to contain the path to the openmm/lib/plugins directory, e.g. in bash: export OPENMM_PLUGIN_DIR=PATH_TO_GROMACS/openmm/lib/plugins 4. At this point, running the command: PATH_TO_GROMACS/bin/mdrun-gpu -h should display the standard mdrun help which means that all the necessary libraries are accessible. * INSTALLING FROM SOURCE DISTRIBUTION: GROMACS-GPU uses a cmake build-generator and makefiles on unix. All you have to do is run: cmake PATH_TO_SOURCE_DIRECTORY -DGMX_OPENMM=ON -DGMX_THREADS=OFF make mdrun make install-mdrun * ARE YOU STILL HAVING PROBLEMS? Post it to the GROMACS mailing lists. We read these on a regular basis, and in many cases another user might already be familiar with the task you're trying to perform!