# Declare and sequence the stages to which jobs may be assigned. # The pipeline is organized into stages so that if early stages fail # the later ones are not run. stages: # Initial test build for checking simple compilation and getting regressiontest repo - pre-build # Configuration for building and testing - configure-build # Build GROMACS in multiple configurations - build # Unit test each configuration, perhaps in multiple ways - test # Generate documentation files - documentation # Check documentation from source code for errors - source-check # Linting, docs, static analysis, coverage, code analysis... - post-test # Nightly work to configure builds - nightly-configure # Nightly build stage - nightly-build # Nightly deploy stage - nightly-deploy # Release work for packaging code - release-package # Release checksum verification - release-verify # Configure code for release builds - release-configure # Release work for packaging code - release-build # Tests for release code - release-tests # Prepare for deploying artifacts - release-prepare-deploy # Deploy stage for release builds - release-deploy include: # Mix-in helper job definitions of general utility. - local: '/admin/gitlab-ci/global.gitlab-ci.yml' - local: '/admin/gitlab-ci/rules.gitlab-ci.yml' # gmxapi Python package. - local: '/admin/gitlab-ci/python-gmxapi.gitlab-ci.yml' # Further API validation and usability of sample gmxapi extension package. - local: '/admin/gitlab-ci/sample_restraint.gitlab-ci.yml' # API regression testing using sample gmxapi extension package. - local: '/admin/gitlab-ci/sample_restraint-regression.gitlab-ci.yml' # Build and test GROMACS in a variety of environments and configurations. # To do: Consider expanding matrix here to improve transparency and reduce file sizes. # E.g. '/admin/gitlab-ci/matrix/clang-8.gitlab-ci.yml - local: '/admin/gitlab-ci/gromacs.gitlab-ci.yml' # Repository cleanliness. Source tidiness, linting, and policy compliance. - local: '/admin/gitlab-ci/lint.gitlab-ci.yml' # Web page and manual. - local: '/admin/gitlab-ci/documentation.gitlab-ci.yml' # Prepare release archives. - local: '/admin/gitlab-ci/archive.gitlab-ci.yml'