[alexxy/gromacs.git] / admin / lsan-suppressions.txt
1 # Known leaks - leak keywords are the lowest-level function/method of the leak call stack that is not reused by other
2 # routines.
3 leak:add_to_list
4 leak:atoms_to_constraints
5 leak:atoms_to_settles
6 leak:balance_fep_lists
7 leak:dd_init_bondeds
8 leak:dd_make_local_constraints
9 leak:dd_move_f
10 leak:dd_partition_system
11 leak:diagonalize_orires_tensors
12 leak:do_cpte_matrices
13 leak:do_edsam
14 leak:do_inputrec
15 leak:do_single_flood
16 leak:get_ir
17 leak:get_zone_pulse_cgs
18 leak:gmx::DomainDecompositionBuilder::Impl::build
19 leak:gmx_check
20 leak:gmx_make_edi
21 leak:gmx_mtop_ilistloop_init
22 leak:gmx_pme_init
23 leak:gmx_pme_receive_f
24 leak:init_buffer_flags
25 leak:init_disres
26 leak:init_dfhist_state
27 leak:init_df_history
28 leak:init_edsam
29 leak:init_ekinstate
30 leak:init_interaction_const
31 leak:init_orires
32 leak:init_rot
33 leak:init_swapcoords
34 leak:make_bondeds_zone
35 leak:make_dd_indices
36 leak:make_exclusions_zone
37 leak:make_fep_list
38 leak:make_pull_groups
39 leak:make_rotation_groups
40 leak:make_swap_groups
41 leak:make_tables
42 leak:mdoutf_write_to_trajectory_files
43 # Stack trace does not report a function beyond gmx_srenew_impl, so the file is suppressed instead.
44 leak:pairlist.cpp
45 leak:read_rotparams
46 leak:set_ddgrid_parameters
47 leak:set_reference_positions
48 leak:set_state_entries
49 leak:visitOption
51 # External suppressions
52 leak:xdr_string